
Showing posts from September, 2021

Homeopathy For Infants

  Homeopathy is an ancient remedy for children. It is also the only remedy that if applied at the correct time according to the child's symptoms, can prevent or cure diseases in the future.  It is a common misunderstanding that homeopathy cannot be applied for infants. The truth is that homeopathy can be a great way to help infants to grow healthy and strong. Infants are more prone to suffer from a wide range of complications that may include infections, allergies, infections, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, fever, weakness, fever, jaundice, pain, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting, fever, vomiting. As a pharmacist, I have always been keen on homeopathy for babies. Homeopathy has been proven to be safe, effective and...

Homeopathy for Obesity

  Obesity is a complex condition characterized by excess fat accumulation in the body. Obesity can be caused by a long list of conditions, many of which are quite common. Obesity must be approached from a holistic perspective, by a doctor who understands the anatomical, physiological, and biochemical factors involved.  The obesity epidemic has reached epidemic proportions and has shown no signs of slowing down. The major reasons for this rise in the prevalence of obesity include the rise in the number of obese people and the fact that there is no effective treatment available for obesity. There is no cure for obesity and the only treatment available is the surgical removal of excess body weight. However, this is not a simple and painless process and so the use of homeopathic medicines for obesity is a safer and effective alternative to surgical intervention. Homeopathy treats obesity through a number of different methods and the homeopathic remedy used depends on the nature an...

Homeopathy for immunity Deficiency

  The immune system protects us from harmful bacteria, viruses and other harmful infectious agents. The immune system works by detecting the presence of foreign particles and making us sick if they are not destroyed. Homeopathy helps restore the natural balance of the immune system to promote well being. It is mainly used to treat chronic infections, chronic illness, allergies, asthma, eczema, ulcerative colitis, skin conditions, gastrointestinal problems, fever, pain, fever, gonorrhea, malaria, typhoid, measles, diphtheria, tuberculosis, viral infections, herpes, dengue, rubella, rheumatism, gout, rickets, dengue, diphtheria, malaria, polio, tuberculosis, typhoid. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that claims to cure illness by treating the imbalance of the body's vital energy known as "Prana". The way it works is AMH uses small doses of natural substances to stimulate the organs and flow of Prana. The goal of this article is to introduce the benefits of homeopathy t...

Homeopathy For life style diseases

  Life style diseases occur because of an imbalance and imbalance in body and mind and the life style diseases also happen due to the imbalance and imbalance in mind and body and present day modern lifestyle.  We all know that life style diseases are getting more common, due to unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, stress, over work, etc. It is just the nature of life that some people are more prone than others to certain life style diseases.  In India, there is a belief that homeopathy can cure anything from a small cough to a major illness. In fact, this belief has been proven to be true in many cases. In fact, homeopathy has been found to help in almost all life style diseases. So how can you use homeopathy to cure your life style diseases? Let us know.  Plants and animals possess a molecular memory, which allows them to recognize and react to the presence of other individuals. This molecular memory is based on the inclusion of chemical compounds in the genome. These...

Homeopathy for Children of all ages

  Homeopathy is a highly effective, safe and natural alternative medicine that can be used to treat a variety of conditions, from anxiety and depression to eczema and ear infections. There is a growing number of parents and children who are discovering the benefits of homeopathic treatments and they would like to share that experience with you.  Treating children, those babies and all other children, is a very challenging and rewarding task and it is very important for parents and homeopaths to do it right and treat them. The aim of this blog is to provide the children with all the latest and emerging scientific and homeopathic knowledge and treatment options. The blog provides many articles and writting on the causes and treatment of illnesses and diseases of children and babies.  Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on the principle that the body heals itself. The system evolved from the miasmatic theory of disease and involves the use of medicines that stim...

Homeopathy For Men and Women

  A fever is a common symptom of many illnesses, and so homeopathic medicine is often used to treat it. This is because most illnesses also have a fever, and most homeopathic medicines are designed to produce a fever when they are used. A fever is a sign that your body is fighting an illness, and so a fever is often used to treat many illnesses. All my life I have been searching for a natural and safe treatment for most common and serious illnesses and problems. I found this for myself and it truly changed my life. My life has truly changed for the better. I recovered from most of my health problems and diseases and I am now my strong and healthy self again. Homeopathy is a great way to improve your health and well-being and so many people discover the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines during pregnancy and post-pregnancy, men and women. However, it is important to understand the science behind the method and not fear it. Hopefully this blog will help you to understand the scie...

Homeopathy For Men and Women

  In homeopathic medicine, a medically trained doctor can prescribe a homeopathic remedy based on the symptoms of a patient. In the same way, the drugstore can prescribe a homeopathic remedy based on how a person feels. And while the drugstore treatments may not be as effective as a homeopathic treatment, they can still cure a cold, a headache, a backache, a tiredness, a loss of appetite, a stomach ache, a rash, a cough, etc. A homeopathic medicine is a drug that is a mixture of a substance with a very small amount of another substance of the same kind. This medicine brings a medicine action to a body. Its an old method of medicine whose origin goes back to 200 years. When I first started practicing homeopathy, I was like many others, particularly men, who were skeptical about the treatment. I was sure that there was no cure for anything and that homeopathy was just a placebo. However, I was very pleasantly surprised. Homeopathic remedies are highly effective medicines. They are sa...

Homeopathy For Pregnant and breast feeding women

  During pregnancy, the body is flooded with hormones; the woman’s body produces many hormones, some of which are used by the body to prepare it for labor, others to nourish the baby, and others still to protect the fetus.  These hormones can all lead to problematic reactions, during pregnancy. The most common one is the high level of the hormone estrogen; this is what causes the many uncomfortable symptoms that pregnant women often feel.  There is nothing in the human body that cannot be affected by various types of medicine and by homeopathy particularly. Homeopathy is a form of medicine, which is based on the principle of cure by treatment and differs from allopathy in that in it  it is not based on the idea of pathology and the effectiveness of drugs. Today we will discuss about homeopathy for pregnant and breast feeding women. We will discuss the various types of ailments and how it affects the pregnancy and breast feeding.  Dr Shifa is a practicing homeopa...

Homeopathy For Pregnant and breast feeding women

  According to the laws of physics, the atoms in our bodies are constantly colliding, or coming into contact, with one another. As they come into contact, their tiny bits of information—a form of energy—are transmitted to one another, and this information can be used to diagnose and treat the patient. The same thing also happens with homeopathic medicines. When they come in contact with our bodies, they make their way to our organs, where they are absorbed, and the information information information they transmit to the body is used to treat the patient. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding are usually advised to take anti-diarrheal medications to treat gastrointestinal problems during this period. When the prescriptions are continued, the gastrointestinal problems tend to get worse, because instead of killing microbes, these medicines kill beneficial bacteria in the gut. During pregnancy, the body is flooded with hormones; the woman’s body produces many hormones, some of whic...

Homeopathy For Elderly People

  Homeopathy is a traditional medicine that is used for a variety of generalized ailments and symptoms common among older people. It is a very effective method of treating a variety of ailments that are common in seniors. It is a safe and natural way to cure many of the common ailments of older people. It is a widely used and effective homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is a 5000 year old method of natural healing. The main principle of homeopathy is to cure the symptoms as they appear rather than as a disease. It is a science of healing from the inside out. Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that has been practiced for hundreds of years, and is now the most popular complementary treatment for a wide variety of health problems. The basic premise of homeopathy is that substances that cause symptoms in healthy people can be used to cure the same symptoms in sick people. Most of you will be aware of the old adage, “Everybody is entitled to their own opinion; but not their o...

Homeopathy For Elderly People

  Most of you will be aware of the old adage, “Everybody is entitled to their own opinion; but not their own facts.” This is especially true for health issues related to aging. Whereas people tend to take their health for granted until something goes wrong, many seniors are reluctant to seek advice from physicians, preferring instead to rely on the advice of friends or neighbors. Homeopathic medicines are often recommended as an alternative to traditional medications. Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine popular in Europe, where its use is especially common in Germany, France, and Austria. Homeopathy is a natural way of healing that gives you the tools to cure your ailments naturally. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances that have been prepared into tiny doses, which are diluted even further to produce a medicine that is extremely small. The medicine is also called as 'water of dilution'. Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the prin...

Homeopathy For life style diseases

  Homeopathy is a safe, natural, and effective way of treating people. There are many diseases which can be cured by homeopathy. If you are suffering from any of the following conditions, you can trust homeopathy.  This is a wonderfully informative website, which provides the right information to the right person at the right time. And most of all it provides a wonderful understanding of the causes for most of the diseases. The site is aiming to provide the most essential information on the subject of life style diseases and on the role of homeopathic treatment. This is a website on which you can find all the essential information on the subject on the cause of most of the diseases. We all think we know what homeopathy is, and most of us believe we know what it's capable of, but it's quite easy to forget that homeopathy is a science and not a religion. Homeopathy is not about treating symptoms; it is about treating the cause, the roots of the problem. Homeopathy is a science b...

Homeopathy for Children of all ages

  Homeopathy is a much-maligned treatment in modern society. It has been the subject of criticism from the likes of Andrew Wakefield for instance, who in 1998 published a study that concluded that it could cause autism in children. His study was later debunked by science, but not before his findings were seized upon by the pro-vaccine movement in the United States. What became known as the 'Wakefield-effect' gave a major boost to the anti-vaccination movement in the United States and throughout the world. Have you heard the saying,  "Homeopathic cures are safe, simple, and effective".  This blog is for  homeopathic  children of  all ages  and  is about  preventive  homeopathy. A new study by ZHAW researchers showed that children, who received homeopathic treatment, had less likelihood of experiencing at least one episode of common cold. This study has shown the effect of homeopathic treatment on common cold in children under 12 years of ...

Homeopathy for immunity Deficiency

  Homeopathy is a non-allopathic medicine that is a natural process of healing by using various ingredients of various medicines that are not the main ingredient. The main aim of Homeopathy is to treat the patient from the root of the disease and help them get well from it. It is a holistic system of medicine that works at a biological level. The main ingredients of homeopathy are herbs, minerals, oils, and other natural substances. There are many types of homeopathic medicines depending on the kind of disease. Homeopathy is a method of treating without an active ingredient known to cause an illness. The remedy is prepared by making a small dose of the substance thought to be the cause of the illness. This process is known as potentization. Homeopathy is known as a form of alternative medicine. It differs from medical treatment in a number of ways, but the most important is the fact that a well-known motto of homeopathy is "Like cures like." In other words, a substance that c...

Homeopathy for Obesity

  Obesity is a subject that is so often overlooked and ignored by the general public and even by many health and medical professionals. While it is commonly thought that to combat obesity, one should follow a particular diet plan, the truth is that to lose weight, one should follow a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet and a regular routine. It is a known fact that a high fat diet makes a person obese. A person can eat fat and get fat, this is a common knowledge. The question is, how exactly does a high fat diet influence a person's body to get obese? In this blogpost, I will discuss about the dangers of a high fat diet and the way homeopathy treats obesity. I will discuss about the various types of homeopathy for obesity and their uses. Obesity is a serious health condition that can lead to a host of health issues. In fact it is the leading cause of health-related problems for adults, as well as a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The most commo...

For Teenagers

  Being a teenager this year has been a different experience for me as I am not as much as interested in fashion as I used to be. But now I want to look trendy and I need to know how to look trendy without looking like a teenager. I started reading fashion magazines and watching fashion shows and that has helped me a lot to understand and I am getting the idea and I hope that this year I will look trendy and I can be a fashionista. The Internet is full of social media sites for teens, or rather, it is full of sites that are designed for teens. Many of these sites cater to the same demographic, helping teenagers connect with each other, manage their time, learn about the latest trends, and find the latest media offerings. However, your teen may not necessarily fit into the categories of popular social media sites. Teenagers are a troublesome lot. With so many demands on their time and attention, they lack the focus and discipline to get things done. This is perhaps one of the most f...

Homeopathy For Infants

  When a baby is born, the mother usually feeds her immediately after delivery. This helps to stimulate the newborn’s appetite, but it also sets the tone for future eating habits. If the child does not have sufficient breastfed nourishment, they are more likely to suffer from obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses. This is why it is essential to encourage breastfeeding for the first 6 months after birth, especially among low-income families. Why are babies so mesmerized by toys? Have you ever noticed how much time they spend with little, brightly colored objects? What about the way they enjoy touching different textures with their hands? We’ve all learned to beware of how much time our babies take in the presence of screens, but what about the toys they play with within their everyday lives? It can be quite startling to discover how frequently babies are exposed to screens, in the form of toys that play video clips. Infants need to eat to live, so baby food is the only way they can...

For Pregnant and breast feeding women

  It is important that your body is in a healthy state during pregnancy and to prevent complications such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes . The foods you eat and the supplements you take will affect your health and the health of your baby. Pregnant women also experience a reduction in their immune system, which means they are more susceptible to infections. The transition to motherhood is the most important transition you will ever make - it's where you learn to be a parent, to care for your baby, and to raise a child. This is the time that most women turn to food for comfort, comfort that they may not have had in their lives before. One of the most common questions pregnant women are asked are these, " are you eating enough" This is not a question you can answer for yourself, but if you are pregnant, you must be eating for two. In the early stages of pregnancy, you may feel a number of symptoms that can be difficult to handle, from being tired to being constipa...

Homeopathy for immunity Deficiency

  There are many reasons for having a lower immune system. It could be due to a virus, bacterial infection, chemical exposure, genetic predisposition, stress, etc.  Homeopathy for immunity Deficiency: Homeopathic medicine has been successfully used to treat anemia, infections, weakness, and immune deficiency. Homeopathic medicine also has been used to reduce the number of colds and influenza that a person may get in a year. All over the world, people are fighting diseases, the biggest being the common cold. These are also known as the 'common cold', or 'flu', or 'influenza' infections. These are caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, parasites, and other infectious agents. The common cold can range from mild to very severe, and can last for weeks, months, or years. The human body is a sophisticated system that works best when it is kept in a state of balance. We have a myriad of internal processes that keep us alive and healthy. To maintain this balance t...

Homeopathy in Dubai

  Homeopathy is a multi-faceted treatment system that evolved over the past two centuries. It is based on the concept of healing like, a concept that has been put to the test of time and has been found to be a valid system of medicine. It is a holistic system that offers a plethora of health benefits for all age groups. Homeopathy has been proved to be very effective in curing a wide range of ailments and diseases including diabetes, allergies, mental illnesses, chronic back pain, various cancers, chronic joint pains, etc. It is a very safe and effective system of medicine that ensures that the individual concerned is cured of all ailments and diseases. The word homeopathy came to us in the 18th century when the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann started an alternative medicine treatment for children with minor health problems. Basically, homeopathy is based on the principle of similar substance for different illness. It holds that just like a poison stops or reverses the growth of a d...

Homeopathy For Elderly People

  Elderly people are known to have medical issues they are facing every day. Most of them need regular medicine to overcome medical issues they may have. But some of them may not be able to afford expensive medicines. Homeopathy is the best way to treat many ailments of elderly people. If you have been on the internet for a while, you have almost certainly come across some discussion about homeopathy. A large part of these discussions is about the validity of homeopathic treatments. The reason for this is that homeopaths tend to claim that their treatments cure a wide range of diseases, while some people find this hard to swallow. But this doesn't have to be the case. Homeopathy can be a very effective treatment for elderly people, and it ought to be very effective for anyone else, too, since it works on a very simple principle. In essence, homeopathy is a way of treating the body by treating the symptoms of a disease rather than treating the disease itself. A homeopathic remedy is...

Homeopathy for Obesity

  Obesity, a disease that is increasingly affecting the younger ones, is a global epidemic. And it has been affecting children more increasingly in recent years. In the recent past, the heaviest child ever recorded was a 3.35-year-old from Minnesota. This is in sharp contrast to the average weight of the world in 1975, when the average weight of a child in the world was 7.5 kg, just 2 kg above the average weight of the world today. No person should give up on their dreams because of a stubbornly stubborn condition like obesity. Obesity is a condition we all want to get rid of and we all want to get rid of it for our own good. The truth is there are swift and effective homeopathic treatments available to get rid of obesity and prevent it from ever coming back. But how do we know which ones to use and when? Obesity has become an epidemic in this generation. More than two-thirds of the adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent...

Homeopathy for immunity Deficiency

  Homeopathy is a system of medicine that uses very dilute substances with the properties of the body to alleviate symptoms. Homeopathy was chosen to treat children with immune deficiency  (there are many diseases that affect the immune system).  Homeopathy is an orthomolecular method of medicine and it is a  system of treatment that uses dilutions of substances that have the  If you are like most people, you are probably not aware of what exactly is happening when you get sick. Few people know that homeopathy can help you get better very quickly. For centuries, homeopathy has been used in the treatment of immunity deficiency. Some of its uses are in the area of treatment of infectious diseases, but it is primarily used in the area of immune system support, in the treatment of chronic diseases, and in the management of acute viral infections. Homeopathy is a controversial therapeutic concept. It’s also a very misunderstood one. Homeopathic medicines, or “similia...

Homeopathy for Children of all ages

  While homeopathic treatment is widely used in the West, it is still not widely accepted in the Middle East. Some parents here in Dubai refuse to give their children any type of treatment that they cannot see, while others say that homeopathy is too expensive. Many parents simply search for a natural alternative while others resort to taking comfort in the fact that they believe in the power of Allah (God). DR Shifa's Homeopathy clinic, Dubai is a professional homeopathic clinic that provides any level of treatment to children of all ages. We also provide a full range of Homeopathic treatment for adults too. Dr Shifa's Homeopathy clinic is a homeopathic clinic that offers a variety of medical services that are of the utmost importance to parents and children of all ages. We have a wide variety of health problems that we can treat and we can also help in cases where parents want to give their children a better lifestyle. We only use the most effective homeopathic medicines in o...

Homeopathy For life style diseases

  Homeopathy is a very controversial system of medicine yet it has been proven to work in many cases. Homeopathy helps to resolve the problems that are caused by the weakening of the body because of the improper lifestyle. The main aim of homeopathy is to bring the body to a point where it is able to cure itself. Homeopathy has been practised for hundreds of years in different countries and has been used by millions of people. The fact that people across the globe are still using this amazing therapy for various diseases and illnesses, shows that homeopathy is very effective and safe. So why do people still need the advice of experts when using this wonderful therapy? I am Dr Abdul Hamid Shifa, a homeopath. I have been practicing homeopathy for over 25 years. I am a homeopath and a doctor registered with the Medical Council of India and the Government of Dubai. I have been practicing homeopathy for over 25 years and I am a homeopath and a doctor registered with the Medical Council ...

Homeopathy For life style diseases

  Today, many common ailments are being treated with conventional medicine, but this is not always the best option. It is highly recommended that you consult a doctor regarding any health- related related issue. However, if conventional medicine fails to give you lasting relief, you might consider the use of homeopathy.  Homeopathic treatment is reserved for serious chronic or extreme ailments which conventional medicine can not assist in. Homeopathy is the only treatment for which there is irrefutable data supporting its efficiency. I am a Homeo-medicine physician from India. Currently, I am working as a Homeo-medicine practitioner in Dubai. I have been practicing Homeo-medicine since 2009. I graduated with Bachelor Degree in Homeo-medicine from MDH College of Pharmacy, Mumbai, India. I am having more than 4 years of experience of homeo-therapy. I also do PRC (which is optional) course for this medicine. I work as a homeo-medicine practitioner in Dubai. I started working in D...