Homeopathy for immunity Deficiency
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that uses very dilute substances with the properties of the body to alleviate symptoms. Homeopathy was chosen to treat children with immune deficiency (there are many diseases that affect the immune system). Homeopathy is an orthomolecular method of medicine and it is a system of treatment that uses dilutions of substances that have the If you are like most people, you are probably not aware of what exactly is happening when you get sick. Few people know that homeopathy can help you get better very quickly.
For centuries, homeopathy has been used in the treatment of immunity deficiency. Some of its uses are in the area of treatment of infectious diseases, but it is primarily used in the area of immune system support, in the treatment of chronic diseases, and in the management of acute viral infections.
Homeopathy is a controversial therapeutic concept. It’s also a very misunderstood one. Homeopathic medicines, or “similia”, are minute doses of a substance that have been diluted so much they no longer have a therapeutic effect. We probably think of homeopathy as a remedy for allergies, but it actually works for many other conditions, including the common cold, the flu, and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
I have been interested in homeopathy since the 1990s, and it has been my profession for over 20 years now. I would like to share with you some of my life challenges and how I overcame them.
A few days ago, I was admitted to the hospital with a viral infection in the lungs and in the blood. I was put on a cocktail of antibiotics and steroids and was given a test to determine if I had a viral infection. The results were negative and I was discharged from ICU. However, after a few days, I started feeling very weak and lightheaded and started worrying about my health again. I decided to take a homeopathic remedy and the effect was immediate. My energy levels increased and I started feeling stronger. I went back to the hospital and was checked again and the results were still negative. I was discharged from the hospital and I was given a certificate stating I was free from viral infection. Homeopathic treatment can help you grow.
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