The most irritating symptom in Alopecia areata / Alopecia Universalis (AA) is hair loss. It can be quite disheartening to wake up one morning and find out that every hair on your head has fallen out. This can be a very frustrating and distressing experience and if left undiagnosed and untreated it can lead to alopecia totalis and in some cases alopecia universalis which can be quite life- threatening. Hair loss due to the scalp's inner layer (the dermal layer) losing its integrity, which causes hair to turn into a crusty scab called alopecia. Alopecia is a medical term that describes the loss of hair in certain areas of the scalp and/or the entire body. This type of hair loss is caused by an underlying medical condition or is just a temporary problem that resolves when the underlying condition is treated.

What is hair? What is hair loss? There are many people who have lost there hair due to various reasons. Some have it due to alopecia areata or some other reason. Some have it due to hormonal changes, some due to illness, some due to the medicines they are taking, some due to stress. What is important here is to find out the cause and act accordingly. Hair loss is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. As most of you know, it's caused by the loss of hair follicles, which are the structures responsible for the production of the hair. And the most common cause of hair loss is aging. As we age, our hair follicles start to stop producing hair, and the follicles that are still capable of producing hair start to lose it. If you want to know more about this topic, please read my blog on the subject.

The cause of alopecia is not known. Doctors say that the most common cause is genetics and that stress, those nasty hormone changes and those nasty ionizing radiation from that radioactive blue light from those radiation laser-sun lamps and those other machines you use. But there is a cure and it is the Dr. Shifa's Homeopathy Clinic and we can cure any disease and we don't prescribe any drugs but we treat the cause and we use the natural medicines and we don't prescribe any drugs but we treat the cause and we use the natural medicines and we can cure any disease and we don't prescribe any drugs but we treat the cause and we use the natural medicines and we can cure any disease and we don't prescribe any drugs. Hair loss in the form of alopecia areata is a very common problem. It occurs in almost all ages, but mostly women in their teens to mid-twenties suffer from this. Without hair loss, it would be impossible to make up for the hair, which is in fact the most important part in everyone's life.


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